This project seeks to redevelop the Whittington Health Maternity and Neonatal service. The investment is driven by the need to improve the current physical environment of the neonatal unit and the capacity constraints of the current labour ward and obstetric theatre provision. Some objectives are:
- Address the physical environment and space constraints of the neonatal ITU/HDU and labour ward; without investment it will be difficult to meet not only the best clinical standards but also patient expectations;
- Improve the quality and safety of obstetric theatre provision by ensuring there is sufficient theatre capacity that is easily accessible from the labour ward and maternity and neonatal services;
- Create further delivery capacity to provide real choice for local women;
- Address the poor quality of facilities which may otherwise impact on the future recruitment and retention of staff in an already competitive labour market.

At the DQI Mid design session stakeholders received a presentation of the current design proposals. This allowed stakeholders to identify the strengths and opportunities of the scheme, areas where further work is required, and to contribute to the development of the design and to the success of the final scheme. Significant debate took place and a number of themes emerged regarding light, access and landscaping where participants felt further consideration was needed as design progressed. Several supportive comments in relation to the ability of new design to interact with existing facilities combining old with new, and improved clinical areas for maternity and neonatal services were observed.
